Friday, May 6, 2011


I have finally returned. I am constantly reminded that I haven't blogged for over a year, so I thought I would give it a go again. So much has changed for me since I was last here. The first change is that I am now a Stampin up consultant. I have used these product for years and just love them. Everything coordinates and the stamp designs are to die for.

The other major change in my life is the big move. This has been going to happen for a long time, as I'm sure my friends can remember. It was all I talked about for a long time, this been that if no one knew it was too easy for my husband to change his mind. We finally bought our house a year ago, then took 9 months to very very slowly move our many many belongings. This was supposed to have been the easy option as it was only 4 hours away, but thankfully hubby thinks that we should get removalists in next time. Yeah!!!

I finally have my new craft room up and running. I have the double garage, but still wish it was bigger. I think that I will always feel that way because my craft gets spread out further and further. I will take photos soon and post them. Any layout suggestions are welcome as I'm still not happy with the layout.

I have been card making recently, but most of my creations are cased as I'm just not feeling very creative at the moment. I would like to thank everyone for posting their creations as this is inspiring me.


  1. Woohoo! So good to see you blogging. I went straight to bed after our conversation last night... but I see you were good and blogged.

    Yes, you must keep posting as it's the only way I am going to see your wonderful creations and I do so much miss hanging out together and watching you create.


  2. Great to see you back Julie,look forward to seing what you create. Amanda
